Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I SUCK as a single mom!

Okay, so I sit down to check my email for the first time today (it was around 1630), Mia was playing with her doll within sight, but I guess I became too engrossed in my email b/c unbeknownst to me, Mia crawled onto the dining room table (her latest trick) and started stomping around on it. The stomping got my attention and I firmly told her, "Mia, get down from there," and I started to walk toward her when she decided she would crawl into her high chair from the dining room table. I saw it as it was happening and couldn't get there in time to stop it, but of course Mia went tumbling off the dining room table landing face first on our hard floor! Luckily she just has a few bruises and she bit her lip which stopped bleeding shortly after, but I'm still mortified. I have to take her to daycare tomorrow and her black eye (from slipping on the playground step) just healed and now she's going to show up with bruises around her mouth, chin, and shoulder. I promise, I don't abuse her, I do watch her, I'm not neglectful, but the little critter is getting SO FAST and DARING, I just haven't always been able to keep up. I can't wait until Jay comes home and can help me!


jessi9380 said...

might have to call dcfs now....:-)

Becca said...

I WOULD probably beat my child if I was a single mom so...props to you! No, not really. I'm just lucky that my child is still a bit slow (physically) and quite cautious, i'm sure it won't last long.